Shalom Daily Prayers
These prayers follow the liturgical structure of the Liturgy of the Hours including Opening, Psalmody, Word, and Prayers. They feature two canticles (“Canticle of Hannah” for Morning Prayer and a new setting of the Magnificat for Evening Prayer). The ancient Phos Hilaron text, paraphrased here as “Light of All Splendor,” is set to the familiar tune “Be Thou My Vision” (SLANE).
Approx. times: Morning: 20 min; Midday: 10 min; Evening: 25 min.
Videos for browsing and learning Shalom Daily Prayers were recorded at
Bethlehem Lutheran Church Twin Cities at The Prairie Liturgies Event, Sep 2024
What do you need to lead Shalom Daily Prayers with your community?
1. Select the Accompaniment Bundle below. Your digital purchase allows you to make as many copies as your musicians need.
The Accompaniment Bundle includes:
Full score
vocal parts
Guitar/ Lead Sheet (includes limited vocal harmony)
Notes from the composer
Permission to copy parts as needed for musicians in your setting
2. Select the Assembly Edition based on your congregation's size.
Your digital purchase allows you to make as many hard copies as you pay for. It also includes JPGs of each song. The music is licensed through and CCLI.